great news!! (some more links)
check out the logo!
one of the track images looks like arcade desert. i love the birds too!
"SEGA Rally Online Arcade™, a new HD title inspired by SEGA Rally Revo™ and SEGA Rally 3™"
“We’ve blended our hit arcade racing series with the best elements from the console versions to bring our fans the SEGA Rally experience in compact, downloadable format,” said Haruki Satomi, Vice President of Digital Business at SEGA. “Whether they’re new to the SEGA Rally series or they’ve participated in countless races over the years, we’re confident everyone will enjoy the wide variety of features included in this fan favourite.”
So it is not just SegaRally3. WHen he says 'console versions' does he presume to mean this is a new beast mix of Sega Rally 1, 2, Revo, & 3?? Time will tell, but notice in the press release they don't say anything about the # of tracks or which tracks, a mix of all the existing tracks from 1,2,revo,3; and/or totally new tracks??
Either way, i'm happy and will buy both. I just wish they were more clear on what the title is exactly. (how much is new, how much is old, how much is retro, etc.)
Awesome news, Sega 2011!! More to come, i'm sure!